With costs of residential assisted living averaging $40,000 a year and skilled nursing facilities averaging approximately $100,000 annually , we understand the financial and emotional anxieties you’re facing.
Many have said “We’ll never put Mom or Dad in one of those places.” But there comes a time when love just isn’t enough. At some point, opting for residential care is best. And through a variety of legal and financial strategies it can be affordable.
Through the Department of Children and Families and Office of Economic Self Sufficiency we are able to secure Medicaid benefits which can cover virtually all of the expenses related to residential skilled nursing and the level of care costs at assisted living facilities and home healthcare.
Eligibility is based on an “income cap” and “asset test.” This can appear to be very complex, but please know we have assisted many through this process each step of the way, and we can assist you, too. We’ll make it understandable and cut through the red tape, offering compassionate counsel and advice.